
class benchopt.BaseObjective(**parameters)#

Base class to define an objective function

Objectives that derive from this class needs to implement four methods:

  • set_data(**data): stores the info from a given dataset to be able to compute the objective value on these data.

  • get_objective(): exports the data from the dataset and the parameters from the objective function as a dictionary that will be passed as parameters of the solver’s set_objective method in order to specify the objective function of the benchmark.

  • evaluate_result(**result): evaluate the metrics on the results of a solver. Its arguments should correspond to the key of the dictionary returned by Solver.get_result and it can return a scalar value or a dictionary. If it returns a dictionary, it should at least contain a key value associated to a scalar value which will be used to detect convergence. With a dictionary, multiple metric values can be stored at once instead of running each separately.

  • get_one_result(): return one result for which the objective can be evaluated. This should be a dictionary where the keys correspond to the keyword arguments of evaluate_result.

Optionally, the Solver can implement the following methods to change its behavior:

  • save_final_results(**result): Return the data to be saved from the

    results of the solver. It will be saved as a .pkl file in the output/results folder, and link to the benchmark results.

  • get_next(stop_val): Return the next iteration where the result will be evaluated.

This class is also used to specify information about the benchmark. In particular, it should have the following class attributes:

  • name: a name for the benchmark, that will be used to display results.

  • url: the url of the original benchmark repository.

  • requirements: the minimal requirements to be able to run the benchmark.

  • min_benchopt_version: the minimal version of benchopt required to run this benchmark.

abstract evaluate_result(**solver_result)#

Compute the objective value given the output of a solver.

The arguments are the keys in the result dictionary returned by Solver.get_result.


All values needed to compute the objective metrics. This dictionary is retrieved by calling solver_result = Solver.get_result().

objective_valuefloat or dict {‘name’: float}

The value(s) of the objective function. If a dictionary is returned, it should at least contain a key value associated to a scalar value which will be used to detect convergence. With a dictionary, multiple metric values can be stored at once instead of running each separately.

abstract get_objective()#

Return the objective parameters for the solver.

objective_dict: dict

Parameters of the objective that will be given to the solver when calling Solver.set_objective(**objective_dict).

abstract get_one_result()#

Return one result for which the objective can be evaluated.

This method is mainly for testing purposes, to check that the method Objective.compute can be called and that it returns a compatible type for benchopt. The returned object will be passed to Objective.compute.


Return the split of the data according to the cv attribute.

arrays: list of array-like

The data to split. It should be indexable with the output of the cv.split iterator, or compatible with Objective.split.


Save the final results of the solver.


All values needed to compute the objective metrics. This dictionary is retrieved by calling solver_result = Solver.get_result().

dict of values to save
abstract set_data(**data)#

Store the info on a dataset to be able to compute the objective.

**data: dict

Extra parameters of the objective. This dictionary is retrieved by calling data = Dataset.get_data().


Used to decide if the Objective is compatible with the data.

**data: dict

Extra parameters of the objective. This dictionary is retrieved by calling data = Dataset.get_data().


Whether this objective should be skipped or not for this data (accessible in the objective attributes).

reasonstr | None

The reason why it should be skipped for display purposes. If skip is False, the reason should be None.