Advanced usage#

This page intends to list some advanced functionality to make it easier to use the benchmark.

Running the benchmark on a SLURM cluster#

Benchopt also allows easily running the benchmark in parallel on a SLURM cluster. To install the necessary dependencies, please run:

pip install benchopt[slurm]

# Or for dev install
pip install -e .[slurm]

Note that for some clusters with shared python installation, it is necessary to call pip install --user to install the packages in the user space and not in the system one.

Using the --slurm option for benchopt run, one can pass a config file used to setup the SLURM jobs. This file is a YAML file that can contain any key to be passed to the update_parameters method of submitit.SlurmExecutor. Hereafter is an example of such config file:

slurm_time: 01:00:00        # max runtime 1 hour
slurm_gres: gpu:1           # requires 1 GPU per job
  ntasks: 1                 # Number of tasks per job
  cpus-per-task: 10         # requires 10 CPUs per job
  qos: QOS_NAME             # Queue used for the jobs
  distribution: block:block # Distribution on the node's architectures
  account: ACC@NAME         # Account for the jobs
slurm_setup:  # sbatch script commands added before the main job
  - '#SBATCH -C v100-16g'
  - module purge
  - module load cuda/10.1.2 cudnn/ nccl/2.5.6-2-cuda

Using such options, each configuration of (dataset, objective, solver) with unique parameters is launched as a separated job in a job-array on the SLURM cluster. Note that by default, no limitation is used on the number of simultaneous jobs that are run.

If slurm_time is not set in the config file, benchopt uses by default the value of --timeout multiplied by 1.5 for each job. Note that the logs of each benchmark run can be found in ./benchopt_run/.

As we rely on joblib.Memory for caching the results, the cache should work exactly as if you were running the computation sequentially, as long as you have a shared file-system between the nodes used for the computations.

Skipping a solver for a given problem#

Some solvers might not be able to run with all the datasets present in a benchmark. This is typically the case when some datasets are represented using sparse data or for datasets that are too large.

In these cases, a solver can be skipped at runtime, depending on the characteristic of the objective. In order to define for which cases a solver should be skip, the user needs to implement a method skip() in the solver class that will take the input as the set_objective() method. This method should return a boolean value that evaluates to True if the solver should be skipped, and a string giving the reason of why the solver is skipped, for display purposes. For instance, for a solver where the objective is set with keys X, y, reg, we get

class Solver(BaseSolver):
    def skip(self, X, y, reg):
        from scipy import sparse

        if sparse.issparse(X):
            return True, "solver does not support sparse data X."

        if reg == 0:
            return True, "solver does not work with reg=0"

        return False, None

Reusing some code in a benchmark#

In some situations, multiple solvers need to have access to the same functions. As a benchmark is not structured as proper python packages but imported dynamically to avoid installation issues, we resort to a special way of importing modules and functions defined for a benchmark.

First, all code that needs to be imported should be placed under BENCHMARK_DIR/benchmark_utils/, as described here:

├──  # contains the definition of the objective
├── datasets/
├── solvers/
└── benchmark_utils/
    ├──  # some helper
    └─── helper_module  # a submodule
        └──  # some more helpers

Then, these modules and packages can be imported as a regular package, i.e.,

from benchopt import safe_import_context

with safe_import_context() as import_ctx:
    from benchmark_utils import helper1
    from benchmark_utils.helper1 import func1
    from benchmark_utils.helper_module.submodule1 import func2

Caching pre-compilation and warmup effects#

For some solvers, such as solvers relying on just-in-time compilation with numba or jax, the first iteration might be longer due to “warmup” effects. To avoid having such effects in the benchmark results, it is usually advised to call the solver once before running the benchmark. This should be implemented in the Solver.warm_up method, which is empty by default and called after the set_objective method. For solvers with sampling_strategy in {'tolerance',  'iteration'}, simply calling the with a simple enough value is usually enough. For solvers with sampling_strategy set to 'callback', it is possible to call Solver.run_once, which will call the run method with a simple callback that does not compute the objective value and stops after n_iter calls to callback (default to 1).

class Solver(BaseSolver):

    def warm_up(self):
        # Cache pre-compilation and other one-time setups that should
        # not be included in the benchmark timing.  # For sampling_strategy == 'iteration' | 'tolerance'
        self.run_once()  # For sampling_strategy == 'callback'

Run a benchmark using a Python script#

Another way to run a benchmark is via a Python script. Typical use-cases of that are

  • Automating the run of several benchmarks

  • Using vscode debugger where the python script serves as an entry point to benchopt internals

The following script illustrates running the benchmark Lasso. It assumes that the python script is located at the same level as the benchmark folder.

from benchopt import run_benchmark

# run benchmark


Learn more about the different parameters supported by run_benchmark function on API references.

Saving Final Results of a Solver#

Using the save_final_results(**results) method of the objective function to retrieve the results to save. They are saved in outputs/final_results/ directory and reference is added in the benchmark .parquet file.