Result on sbi benchmark

sbi: maximum likelihood on test setData: simulated[seed=42,test_size=256,train_size=1024]Time [sec]F(x)
Solvers (Click on a solver to hide it or double click to hide all the others)
Flow matching posterior estimator (FMPE) [1,2]. The solver trains a regression network to approximate a vector field inducing a time-continuous normalizing flow between the posterior distribution and a standard Gaussian distribution. Implemented with the :mod:`lampe` package.
Flow matching posterior estimator (FMPE) [1,2]. The solver trains a regression network to approximate a vector field inducing a time-continuous normalizing flow between the posterior distribution and a standard Gaussian distribution. Implemented with the :mod:`lampe` package.
Neural posterior estimation (NPE) [1,2]. The solver trains a parametric conditional distribution :math:`q_\phi(\theta | x)` to approximate the posterior distribution :math:`p(\theta | x)` of parameters given observations. Implementated with the :mod:`lampe` package.
Neural posterior estimation (NPE) [1,2]. The solver trains a parametric conditional distribution :math:`q_\phi(\theta | x)` to approximate the posterior distribution :math:`p(\theta | x)` of parameters given observations. Implementated with the :mod:`lampe` package.
Neural posterior estimation (NPE) [1,2]. The solver trains a parametric conditional distribution :math:`q_\phi(\theta | x)` to approximate the posterior distribution :math:`p(\theta | x)` of parameters given observations. Implementated with the :mod:`lampe` package.
Neural posterior estimation (NPE) [1,2]. The solver trains a parametric conditional distribution :math:`q_\phi(\theta | x)` to approximate the posterior distribution :math:`p(\theta | x)` of parameters given observations. Implementated with the :mod:`lampe` package.
Neural posterior estimation (NPE) [1,2]. The solver trains a parametric conditional distribution :math:`q_\phi(\theta | x)` to approximate the posterior distribution :math:`p(\theta | x)` of parameters given observations. Implementated with the :mod:`lampe` package.
Neural posterior estimation (NPE) [1,2]. The solver trains a parametric conditional distribution :math:`q_\phi(\theta | x)` to approximate the posterior distribution :math:`p(\theta | x)` of parameters given observations. Implementated with the :mod:`lampe` package.
Neural posterior estimation (NPE). The solver trains a parametric conditional distribution :math:`q_\phi(\theta | x)` to approximate the posterior distribution :math:`p(\theta | x)` of parameters given observations. Implementated with the :mod:`sbi` package.
Neural posterior estimation (NPE). The solver trains a parametric conditional distribution :math:`q_\phi(\theta | x)` to approximate the posterior distribution :math:`p(\theta | x)` of parameters given observations. Implementated with the :mod:`sbi` package.
Neural posterior estimation (NPE). The solver trains a parametric conditional distribution :math:`q_\phi(\theta | x)` to approximate the posterior distribution :math:`p(\theta | x)` of parameters given observations. Implementated with the :mod:`sbi` package.
Neural posterior estimation (NPE). The solver trains a parametric conditional distribution :math:`q_\phi(\theta | x)` to approximate the posterior distribution :math:`p(\theta | x)` of parameters given observations. Implementated with the :mod:`sbi` package.
Neural posterior estimation (NPE). The solver trains a parametric conditional distribution :math:`q_\phi(\theta | x)` to approximate the posterior distribution :math:`p(\theta | x)` of parameters given observations. Implementated with the :mod:`sbi` package.
Neural posterior estimation (NPE). The solver trains a parametric conditional distribution :math:`q_\phi(\theta | x)` to approximate the posterior distribution :math:`p(\theta | x)` of parameters given observations. Implementated with the :mod:`sbi` package.
Neural ratio estimation (NRE). The solver trains a classifier to discriminate between pairs sampled from the joint distribution :math:`p(\theta, x)` and the product of marginals :math:`p(\theta) p(x)`. Implementated with the :mod:`lampe` package.
Neural ratio estimation (NRE). The solver trains a classifier to discriminate between pairs sampled from the joint distribution :math:`p(\theta, x)` and the product of marginals :math:`p(\theta) p(x)`. Implementated with the :mod:`lampe` package.