How are the convergence curves sampled?

For each solver, there are two ways to create a convergence curve. They are chosen by the stopping_strategy attribute of the solver.

1. Using iterations or tolerance

The first way is to use Solver.stopping_strategy = "iteration" or Solver.stopping_strategy = "tolerance". This is used for black box solvers, where one can only get the result of the solver for a given number of iterations or for a given numerical tolerance. This stopping strategy creates curves by calling several times with different values for the stop_val parameter:

  • if the solver’s stopping_strategy is "iteration", stop_val is the number of iterations passed to run. It increases geometrically by at least 1, starting from 1 with a factor \(\rho=1.5\). Note that the first call uses a number of iterations of 0. The value from one call to the other follows:

    \[\text{stop_val} = \max(\text{stop_val} + 1, \text{int}(\rho * \text{stop_val}))\]
  • if the solver’s stopping_strategy is "tolerance", the stop_val parameter corresponds to the numerical tolerance. It decreases geometrically by a factor \(\rho=1.5\) between each call to run, starting from 1 at the second call. Note that the first call uses a tolerance of 1e38. The value from one call to the other follows:

    \[\text{stop_val} = \min(1, \max(\text{stop_val} / \rho, 10^{-15}))\]

In both cases, if the objective curve is flat (i.e., the variation of the objective between two points is numerically 0), the geometric rate \(\rho\) is multiplied by 1.2.

Note that the solver is restarted from scratch at each call to For more advanced configurations, the evolution of stop_val can be controlled on a per solver basis, by implementing a static Solver.get_next method, which receives the current value for tolerance/number of iterations, and returns the next one.

2. Using a callback

Restarting the solver from scratch, though inevitable to handle black box solvers, can be costly.

When a solver exposes the intermediate values of the iterates, it is possible to create the curve in a single solver run, by using stopping_strategy = "callback". In that case, the argument passed to will be a callable object, callback. Like with stopping_strategy == "iteration", the loss is computed after a number of callback’s calls that grows geometrically. If the loss was computed after \(n\) calls, the loss and timing will be computed again when reaching \(\max(n+1, \rho * n)\) calls to the callback. The callback makes sure we do not account for loss computation time and also check for convergence every time the loss is computed (as described in the next section). It returns False when the solver should be stopped. A classical usage pattern is:

def run(self, callback):
    x = ... # Initialize iterate

    while callback(x):
        x = ...  # Update iterate
    self.x = x

When are the solvers stopped?

For each of the sampling strategies above, the solvers continue running (i.e. the callback returns True, the number of iterations passed to increases or the tolerance passed to decreases) until it the StoppingCriterion.should_stop() associated to the solver Solver.stopping_criterion returns True.

This method takes into account the maximal number of runs given as --max-runs, the timeout given by --timeout and also tries to stop the solver if it has converged. The convergence of a solver is determined by the StoppingCriterion.check_convergence() method, based on the objective curve so far. There are three StoppingCriterion implemented in benchopt:

  • SufficientDescentCriterion(eps, patience) considers that the solver has converged when the relative decrease of the objective was less than a tolerance eps for more than patience calls to check_convergence.

  • SufficientProgressCriterion(eps, patience) considers that the solver has converged when the objective has not decreased by more than a tolerance eps for more than patience calls to check_convergence.

  • SingleRunCriterion(stop_val) only call the solver once with the given stop_val. This criterion designed for methods that converge to a given value, when one aim to benchmark final performance of multiple solvers.